Movie Madness: Kung Pow

Jess and I love the movie Kung Pow and we tend to quote it at random quite often.  As a result we made some Kung Pow inspired Feats, and Equipment.  Keep in mind none of this is supposed to be balance and it is really subject to your GM’s approval!


And then he killed the dog [Combat]
Requirements: None
Benefit:  Once a day you may fart, any canine creature within 5 feet must make a fortitude save DC 10 plus your level or die.

Beware of his song about big butts [Combat]
Requirements: None
Benefit:  If “Baby got back” is playing you get a +2 to attack and damage.  You cannot be the person who started the song, nor can you ask another person to play it.
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Centerfold Character Sheet Version 1

I use notebooks that consist of a bunch of US Letter sized paper folded in half when I’m gaming and I also have a small box which I carry them in.  The problem is that a standard pathfinder character sheet does not fold in half well, and frankly I’ve never been a fan of the layout for the base D&D 3-3.5 or Pathfinder character sheets.  Enter my centerfold character sheet.  It’s a work in progress but so far I’ve been using it.  It’s 10 pages long for different circumstances but you only need page 1 and 2 for a basic character sheet.

character sheet CF

Weapon Skills

Who likes spending a feat on a weapon that (with a few exceptions), is not much better than a martial one, especially when you just want it for looks (I’m looking at you katana).  Once possible solution is to treat weapon proficiencies as skills.

Weapon Skills
Essentially you are using skill points to buy the weapon proficiency feat.  Each rank reduces the non-proficiency penalty for the weapon by one.  A character cannot not devote more ranks this way than they have levels and never more than four ranks for a weapon.  A character cannot use this rule to buy other feats.

Weapons which can be used as martial weapons when wielded two handed still count as such.  Using the weapon one handed uses the modified non-proficiency penalty.

Weapons which provide a benefit for being proficient with them only provide this benefit once you are fully proficient with them.


Arcane Shield Training [Feat]

Arcane Shield Training
Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency
Benefit: When using a shield other than a tower shield you may take a swift action to decrease your channel of spell failure due to the shield by 10%.  Additionally your shield had is considered free for the purpose of casting spells, but not delivering touch spells.  However a magus spell combat ability cannot be used while they wield a shield in this manner.
Normal: Shields cause arcane spell failure.

Bikini Armor

I think the scantily clad fantasy heroines are generally unrealistic, but there are a lot of them and I won’t say that I don’t like them.  So I figured it would be fun to make equipment and feats to compliment them.  So I present you with Bikini Armor!

Bikini Armor [Armor]
Bikini armor is designed to give up some of it’s protection for the purpose of being more revealing and attractive.  Bikini Armor costs half as much a regular armor and has half the AC bonus rounded up.  Additionally a female character with a charisma of 10 or higher gets a +1 bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks while wearing visible bikini armor for every point of AC lost, however they also receive a -1 to intimidate for each point.  For ever two points of AC lost reduce the armor check penalty of the armor by one.

Light Bikini Armor Proficiency [Feat]
Prerequisites:  Light Armor Proficiency
Benefit:  You know how to make hits strike the protected parts of your armor.  While wearing light bikini armor your armor is considered to have an armor bonus one point higher than normal.  This feat has no benefit while wearing regular armor.

Medium Bikini Armor Proficiency [Feat]
Prerequisites:  Medium Armor Proficiency, Light Bikini Armor Proficiency
Benefit:  You know how to make hits strike the protected parts of your armor.  While wearing medium bikini armor your armor is considered to have an armor bonus two points higher than normal.  This feat has no benefit while wearing regular armor.

Heavy Bikini Armor Proficiency [Feat]
Prerequisites:  Heavy Armor Proficiency, Medium Bikini Armor Proficiency
Benefit:  You know how to make hits strike the protected parts of your armor.  While wearing heavy bikini armor your armor is considered to have an armor bonus three points higher than normal.  This feat has no benefit while wearing regular armor.

Sexy and Dangerous [Feat]
Prerequisites: Intimidate 1 rank, Light Bikini Armor Proficiency
Benefit:  You give off an aura of danger despite your revealing armor.  While wearing bikini armor you do not suffer a penalty to intimidate checks, instead the bonus that would normally be gained to bluff and diplomacy checks is added to your intimidate checks as well.

Injections [Alchemist Discovery]

The Alchemist has developed a technique allowing them to change the target of their extracts from self to touch.  They do this by placing the extract into an injecting device and placing it against an unarmored area of the target.  Doing this provokes an attack of opportunity.  Using this ability against a willing target does not require a check, but using it against an unwilling target requires a touch attack.  If the extract does not have a saving throw listed a fortitude save is allowed for unwilling targets.  An alchemist can have one extract in an injector at a time.  An injector cannot be used by another character even if the alchemist possesses the infusion discovery.

We Be Goblins!

Over the weekend Jess and I were visiting friends in St. Paul to play games and go to the renaissance festival.  While down there we decided to run the We Be Goblins! adventure by Paizo.  It was probably one the funniest and most enjoyable gaming experiences I’ve had and the results with the whole group laughing so hard we were in tears.  I won’t say too much because I don’t want to ruin it for someone who may want to play it but some highlights I can share in part because we had to add some goblins due to us having too many people.

During a fight one goblin stopped to cut the head off a dog so he could wear it as a magic helmet.

On the one instance were everyone was working together and successfully sneaking they all attacked a single target killing it then quickly lost their stealth by cheering very loudly.

It really was a you had to be there experience but it was pretty amazing and if you’re looking for a fun one shot I recommend it!  Also the pdf is free and the bound copy is $5 so  it’s a cheap entertainment.